ModelMapper map an object from one object to another object !
1. Add ModelMapper Library dependency
Maven Repository: org.modelmapper » modelmapper
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.modelmapper/modelmapper -->
2. define the ModelMapper bean in our Spring configuration
@SpringBootApplication indicates that configuration class that declares
one or more bean methods and also triggers a auto configuration and component scanning
configure a bean for modelMapper class
public class SpringbootBlogRestApiApplication {
public ModelMapper modelMapper() {
return new ModelMapper();
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(SpringbootBlogRestApiApplication.class, args);
3. Inject and use ModelMapper
public class PostServiceImpl implements PostService
private PostRepository postRepository;
private ModelMapper mapper;
public PostServiceImpl(PostRepository postRepository, ModelMapper mapper) {
this.postRepository = postRepository;
this.mapper = mapper;
apply modelMapper
// convert DTO to entity
private Post mapToEntity(PostDto postDto)
Post post = mapper.map(postDto, Post.class);
// Post post = new Post();
// post.setTitle(postDto.getTitle());
// post.setDescription(postDto.getDescription());
// post.setContent(postDto.getContent());
return post;
// convert entity to DTO
private PostDto mapToDTO(Post post)
PostDto postdto = mapper.map(post, PostDto.class);
// PostDto postdto = new PostDto();
// postdto.setId(post.getId());
// postdto.setTitle(post.getTitle());
// postdto.setDescription(post.getDescription());
// postdto.setContent(post.getContent());
return postdto;
We can do reduce it by 4 to 5 lines using modelMapper !
Also apply the same to Comment !
private CommentDto mapToDTO(Comment comment)
CommentDto commentDto = modelMapper.map(comment, CommentDto.class);
// CommentDto commentDto = new CommentDto();
// commentDto.setId(comment.getId());
// commentDto.setName(comment.getName());
// commentDto.setEmail(comment.getEmail());
// commentDto.setBody(comment.getBody());
return commentDto;
private Comment mapToEntity(CommentDto commentDto)
Comment comment = modelMapper.map(commentDto, Comment.class);
// Comment comment = new Comment();
// comment.setId(commentDto.getId());
// comment.setName(commentDto.getName());
// comment.setEmail(commentDto.getEmail());
// comment.setBody(commentDto.getBody());
return comment;
현재 포스트를 조회하면 댓글이 조회가 안된다. 그래서
포스트 하나를 조회하면 댓글 또한 조회가 되게 하려고 합니다.
public class PostDto
private long id;
private String title;
private String description;
private String content;
private Set<CommentDto> comments;
private Set<CommentDto> comments;
추가해서 댓글들을 담으려는데 ,modelMapper로 인해 무한 루프가 발생
Post class에서 toString() 제거
//@Data // getter setter requiredArgsConstructor toString
@Table(name="posts", uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames= {"title"})})
public class Post
※ 엔티티에서는 @Data 를 자제하자! --> @Getter @Setter
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